Feed-Only Performance Max, or Full Setup: What’s Best For You?

Summary Performance Max is a completely different campaign type than Smart Shopping: It combines 7 different campaign types into 1 campaign, whereas Smart Shopping was primarily a Shopping campaign. You can set Performance Max to focus on Shopping Ads if you want to maximize Shopping Ads as a channel. By stripping assets, you take away Performance Max’s ability

Feed-Only Performance Max, or Full Setup: What’s Best For You? Read More »

The Truth: Performance Max Optimization for Black Friday 2023

SavvySession Summary Run a Performance Max script to know what assets to create Prep your assets in advance Ad Copy Images Videos Create a campaign structure segmenting On-Sale products to allow more granular bidding Create a fallback campaign Increase your budgets carefully (important not to do it willy-nilly) Set seasonal bid adjustments, and manage them

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Performance Max Optimization: 9 Ways to Improve Performance

Summary Performance Max doesn’t give you the same controls as running standard campaigns Optimizing Performance Max is focused on working with the budget, targets, and splitting into different campaigns Because you can’t see the direct impact of a change, you should make fewer, but bigger, changes at a time If Performance Max is not performing adequately, you

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An In-depth Look at Google Shopping Optimizations

While text ads can be filtered down to a few core optimization processes, like writing better ads or adding new keywords, Google Shopping is a much broader optimization skill. It is most comparable to landing page optimization. Yes, you can implement best practices, but beyond that, it’s a lot more open to interpretation. Here are a couple of

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Optimize Your Shopping Feed Titles for Breakthrough Shopping Ad Growth

In an article on Search Engine Land, Andreas Reiffen shares research his company did on the impact of changing various attributes in the Google Shopping feed. His findings reflect what I saw when making changes to Shopping feeds back in 2014 (it was a long time ago, but stay with me). I mistakenly set up a

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