
The Real Reason Nobody Agrees on Brand Bidding in Google Ads (incl. P-Max)

Intro Just like YouTube Ads shouldn’t defacto be run by your Google Ads agency (unless they know what they’re doing), it’s equally wrong to classify branded and non-brand keywords as the same. Just because they’re both within a Google Ads account does not mean they should be treated the same. In this article, I explain […]

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Unlock Non-Branded Growth with Micro Conversions in Google Ads

Summary If everyone is using Smart Bidding, the advertiser that provides the best data will gain an edge in the auction. Micro conversions can be a way to give more data in cases where you don’t get enough transactions to fuel Smart Bidding. Attribution is fundamentally flawed, so adding more conversions to Google isn’t an issue. Start simple with

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9 Actions to Optimize Smart Bidding for eCommerce

Summary There are actions you can take to significantly improve Smart Bidding Don’t try to outsmart Smart Bidding—it’s better at math than you are Work with the ROAS targets and the available budget Use the features available, including Portfolio bid strategies, Seasonality Adjustments, and Data Exclusion Try not having a target Always give it time

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Tweak Smart Bidding with Data Exclusion & Seasonality Bid Adjustments

Summary Smart Bidding is great at math calculations based on historical data To help Smart Bidding predict performance you can use seasonality bid adjustments Set adjustments based on your desired CPC increases, not CVR increases Never use for longer than 7 days To erase faulty data, or time periods, you can use data exclusion Use

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The Forgotten Art of Manual Bidding in Google Ads (Full Framework)

Much has been written about automated bid management in the last few years, but it seems little is written about managing your bids manually. At least not much that’s new information. So, in this article, I will talk in-depth about how to manually manage bids. It’s one of those parts of PPC management that I

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