Download the presentation here

Here you can download the presentation we gave at SMX Advanced 2022.


For the last 20 years, PPC agencies have had an advantage over in-house PPC managers due to their technical skills.

But in the future, the scales might tip in the favor of implementing business data in how you work with Google Ads.

This will come in many shapes, but as of 2022, this revolves around:

  • Better ways of working with micro conversions
  • Tracking blended ROAS
  • Using profit data
  • Using custom product scores or applying value rules for new vs. existing customers.

In this session, you will get flurry of ideas on how you can better implement data in Google Ads, which, if combined with the right setups, can help give you an edge over your competitors.


Andrew is the founder of SavvyRevenue – an agency focused on scaling Paid Search for B2C eCommerce stores across Europe.

They manage Paid Search for some of the largest D2C brand and retail eCommerce stores or provide sparring to in-house teams. “Our core opinion on PPC is that “automation should drive everything at scale,” and you need to understand and solve the business problem, not solely the PPC challenges, to scale successfully.

We focus on the US and European market and are headquartered in Denmark.

Andrew Lolk
Founder & CEO