
Performance Max, or Standard Shopping: What’s Right For You

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In this SavvySession we will dive into:

  • Unpacking the Benefits: A Closer Look at Performance Max.
  • Exploring the Advantages: Why Choose Standard Shopping Campaigns?
  • Decision Time: Opting for Performance Max in Real-World Scenarios.
  • Accelerating Growth: When Standard Shopping Outshines the Rest.


Andrew is the founder of SavvyRevenue: an agency focused on scaling Paid Search for B2C eCommerce stores across Europe.

They manage Paid Search for some of the largest D2C brand and retail eCommerce stores or provide sparring to in-house teams. “Our core opinion on PPC is that “automation should drive everything at scale,” and you need to understand and solve the business problem, not solely the PPC challenges, to scale successfully.

We focus on the US and European market and are headquartered in Denmark.

Andrew Lolk
Founder & CEO